Are you reviewing books? My second science/fi mystery comedy Sherlock Mars is in need of reviewers. My web site is Please let me know. Thank you for your time and work, Jackie Kingon

3 Jun

Please restore The Space Show

9 Apr

Please restore The Space Show. Deleted by mistake.

2 Jun

Hunter Shea

Before I get to the main course, I wanted to share a little appetizer with you. A few days ago, I signed an audio book deal for Evil Eternal! This will be my first audio book, and I’m very anxious to hear the final product. Wonder if I can request Christopher Walken to do the reading?

OK, on to more important things. The past year has been simply amazing, with releasing 2 books, signing a deal for a third, and lots of writing and other projects on the horizon. It’s literally been more than I dreamed of when I started tapping away on my word processor in the spare bedroom, back before I had kids or a direction in life.

Through all of this, my wife has been struggling with her health. For a time there, she was dying and her doctors did nothing but conduct tests and scratch their heads. Between…

View original post 423 more words

30 Jan

Loved reading Hunter Shea’ Forest of Shadows and Sandy Gelles Cole’ book about Marilyn Monroe.

Hello world!

30 Jan

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